Thursday, March 25, 2010

What I will be saying in my Podcast - Also Katelyn will be speaking first, I will be following and Lisa you will be going last.

My Script:
We have been using the computers quit a lot with our Google Maps, our up and coming blog, and researching recycling. This has allowed us to better understand recycling and inform our friends from an urban community about Kalamazoo's recycling and Michigan as a whole. As the students navigate through the Web there is a ton of information they have access to but some that are not appropriate. To allow your child to search safely I decided to come up with a list of Web addresses for them to look through which is also called safe surfing on the web. Just as I am concerned with the students searching, I can imagine you might be to. At home you are able to build a WedQuest to limit your child's attention to certain sites. Some safe but still useful sites are, and yahoo! kids,, as they are listed in the textbook.
Earlier i stated Google Maps which gives us the opportunity to visually see where our friends are located that we will be communicating with through our blog as well as learning more about recycling. Google Map or Google Earth as it is stated in our textbook allows us to see where the non recycled materials are being taken to; landfills. Recently we looked up a map of Michigan to find out how many landfills we have. We then decided whether they were a type II or III. A type II can accept virtually any non-hazardous solid waste and a type III is a landfill for a particular waste. The map has allowed us to plot where these landfills are located and gave us an idea on how far they are from our homes.

Katelyn and I were thinking you could start your Podcast off with: Students have learned landfills are not the ideal place for all of our waste to go. So they were given an overview on how to recycle.
-from there you can relate it back to what Katelyn said about what recycling is and what to recycle
-from the concept map
old made to new
community, schools, home

and remember 2 different concepts from the textbook

I used Google Map and Safe Surfing on the Web and Katelyn used blogs and Excel

Have a great weekend! :)

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