Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ok here is my script of what I'm going to say.  The two concepts from the text I'm incorporating are optimizing technology and building community.

Hello parents and guardians.  The 5th grade teacher of WMU Elementary would like to give you an overview of what your students are currently learning.  We would also like to give you a preview of what is coming up.

We started our unit on recycling at the beginning of last week.  Students were given an overview of what recycling is and what items and materials can be recycled.  They were given handouts of what is recyclable so hopefully all of you had a chance to look at it.  The handout was meant to encourage recycling as home.

Our text book talk about optimizing technology available, which is something we are really striving for in the classrooms this year.  As you know we had the students go to each house in their neighborhood to find out who does and does not recycle.  Using that data, the students learned how to use Excel by inputting the data and creating charts.  This is only one piece of technology we want students familiar with.  

As we wrap up next week, the students will be creating blogs.  Once the students have finished researching about recycling in this town, they will post information to their blog.  These blogs will be used as a means of communication with another classroom learning about recycling outside of the district.  It will be a chance for the students to compare and contrast recycling in each town as well as a chance to build relationships outside our community, another important aspect from our textbook.  

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