Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Big Bang of Lisa

Throughout this semester of being emerged into the project-based learning process and experience I have acquired professional and classroom perspective to use as a future teacher.   The process was new and a little confusing at first, not being provided with clear and concise directions made my anxiety increase when completing tasks.  But as the process moved on and I was able to access and use a variety of tools and programs to help enhance my learning process. I got excited about using similar activities with my students some day.  

I would say my goal in using project-based learning is to allow my students to learn in an autonomous manner while enhancing their strengths, overcoming their barriers, and self-evaluating and directing the process.  By allowing students to direct their learning through teacher selected curricula based units, students will be engaged and excited about learning as well as create a foundation of curiosity and communication that will help build characteristic skills that will last a lifetime.  

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