Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Bang Bang--Katelyn

This semester has been one that has pushed me to learn new things about teaching.  Project-based learning became a huge part of my planning process when doing other lesson plans.  When first starting off, the entire process was a bit confusing, but with practice it became easier and more fun to incorporate into the curriculum.  With recycling in particular, I have been forced to think about what I would do in my own classroom to get my students to learn in a fun and new way.  I have had the chance to come up with so many projects to incorporate in lessons and it has forced to think about other subjects areas.  
We incorporated project-based in so many aspects during the semester with the different assignments we had to incorporate.  For this website we thought it would be fun to have the "big bang" be a newsletter the students would create and send out to the other students and staff of the school and their families.  It's a great way for the students to show and share what they've learned with people they know.  

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