Saturday, January 23, 2010

recycling map

I think they seem like good ideas so far.  Throughout time I'm sure we will edit and come up with further advancements in our original plans.  I think the main bubble doesn't necessarily need to be questions about recycling because that is kind of obvious in the project itself, we are addressing common questions and ideas about recycling.  Another approach we could take is to relate recycling to college students and our generation, and simple ways that we can make a difference too and how recycling or not recycling will have an effect on our lives and our future.  We definitely need to gather some resources on where people can recycle, and ways people can recycle that they may not realize.  I think Goodwill and Salvation Army is a great way of recycling that many students don't take advantage of.  We could also add a list of items that are recyclable so people know what to look for while throwing away trash.  Another idea is to gather information on land fills and trash build up and all that.  I think the most vital aspect of this project should be making students and our generation inspired to recycle rather than just reading information and not reacting from it.  Since I am home recovering from surgery, hopefully Sunday we can get together and map out all our ideas to try and organize them.  But so far it seems like we all will work really well and come up with some great ideas.

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