Friday, January 22, 2010

Concept Map

Ok I have a lot to say lol. Allie said that she would download the program first since it's a trial period. Then Lisa you and I can decide who will download next. The assignment says we have to do a concept map for the collaboritive inspiration part of the assignment. So here are some ideas for it. The main bubble can be Most Popular Questions about Recycling. Then from that we can have What is Recycling: key component of modern waste reduction and makes used materials into new products. Why its Important: reduces energy usage, reduces air pollution, reduces water pollution. What do we Recycle: glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, electronics. How do we recycle: seperate our trash and call the city for proper containers. I don't know if this is the way we want to go but any other ideas would be great! As well as any comments, corrections or additions about what I already said! Let me know ladies :)

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