Sunday, January 31, 2010

i found mine too! 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

just wanted to let you know that i have found my three websites and i will be emailing them to her in a few minutes along with my reflections
after posting the questions i realized i should have just said the introduction. this looks good recycling ladies!
so it looks like allie has the introduction, so i'll take the mission :)
for the websites i am going to be looking up; what is recycling, why is it important, how do we recycle and what do we recycle.

website ideas

I came up with sort of an outline for our project.  It combines all of our ideas into a more focused topic that we can relate to and help other students relate to it as well.  Our main topic can focus on students and recycling and give resources to encourage everyone to do their part.  Here is what I came up with:

-What is recycling?
-Why is it important?
-How do we recycle?
-What do we recycle?

Our Generation
-What's going on in with recycling now?
-What effect do we have with recycling?
-How does recycling effect our future?

The Mission
-How can we do our part?
-Charitable recycling (with specific resources)
-Everyday recycling (with specific resources)

Just let me know what you think.  We could each take a section, I'll volunteer for "Our Generation" and look up websites for those topics.  That way we aren't all coming across the same websites.  Happy Hunting!

Friday, January 29, 2010

We have to decide what types of websites we want to evaluate. Are just going to type recycling into google and see what we can come up with ?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ya i've heard of that too! and i think you mentioned goodwill earlier too. you can take clothes as well as old comforters.  
I also think a lot of companies are using recycled material to make their new products.  I bought a dvd and the inside front cover had the recycle logo, so I'm assuming that means made from recycled material.

Monday, January 25, 2010

i'm finally starting to get back on track after recovery :) i was thinking of some more ideas about recycling, but i'd have to do some more research to complete my idea.  i'm pretty sure there are some things you can recycle, such as cell phones and batteries that go towards charitable organizations.  i recall seeing a flyer somewhere and it just popped in my mind.  that would be a good thing to include because everyone likes being charitable and green at the same time!  

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I really like the ideas you have too Lisa! We can get together soon to really map out everything. I hope everything went good with the surgery and you feel better soon!
sorry, look at the comment that i left under the concept map. I really like your ideas Lisa. I believe the project will be more interesting to figure out how WE can help instead of only stating the obvious and facts. Feel better soon :)

Finally I figured it out! Hopefully this is largest enough for you to see.

recycling map

I think they seem like good ideas so far.  Throughout time I'm sure we will edit and come up with further advancements in our original plans.  I think the main bubble doesn't necessarily need to be questions about recycling because that is kind of obvious in the project itself, we are addressing common questions and ideas about recycling.  Another approach we could take is to relate recycling to college students and our generation, and simple ways that we can make a difference too and how recycling or not recycling will have an effect on our lives and our future.  We definitely need to gather some resources on where people can recycle, and ways people can recycle that they may not realize.  I think Goodwill and Salvation Army is a great way of recycling that many students don't take advantage of.  We could also add a list of items that are recyclable so people know what to look for while throwing away trash.  Another idea is to gather information on land fills and trash build up and all that.  I think the most vital aspect of this project should be making students and our generation inspired to recycle rather than just reading information and not reacting from it.  Since I am home recovering from surgery, hopefully Sunday we can get together and map out all our ideas to try and organize them.  But so far it seems like we all will work really well and come up with some great ideas.
i am having difficulties trying to add the concept map. i will have it up asap

concept map.

I installed inspiration and it seems like an easy program to work with. I put Katelyn's idea into a concept map to kind of see what it would look it. I believe it looks good but i guess i am not sure what the length of the project should be. Also i think we should come up with a couple other ideas just in case we realize we are not finding enough information.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Concept Map

Ok I have a lot to say lol. Allie said that she would download the program first since it's a trial period. Then Lisa you and I can decide who will download next. The assignment says we have to do a concept map for the collaboritive inspiration part of the assignment. So here are some ideas for it. The main bubble can be Most Popular Questions about Recycling. Then from that we can have What is Recycling: key component of modern waste reduction and makes used materials into new products. Why its Important: reduces energy usage, reduces air pollution, reduces water pollution. What do we Recycle: glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, electronics. How do we recycle: seperate our trash and call the city for proper containers. I don't know if this is the way we want to go but any other ideas would be great! As well as any comments, corrections or additions about what I already said! Let me know ladies :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

yayayay! go recycling :)