Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last Concept Map


sorry i never titled my big bang! :)

but it is right below!
This semester has flown by soooooooooooo fast! looking back at all the modules i have completed, i have learned so much throughout this semester. But this semester has revolved around project-based learning. To me PBL is having the students do it themselves, being hands on, and learning at their own speed. But this idea i have about PBL has not come with ease because this process has been confusing and a little bit frustrating at times. However i have learned a lot and can not wait to bring this into my classroom to make units more interesting and hands on for my students. when it comes to recycling i definitely learned how to be creative and come up with ideas on how to make a possible boring topic more interesting.

The Bang Bang--Katelyn

This semester has been one that has pushed me to learn new things about teaching.  Project-based learning became a huge part of my planning process when doing other lesson plans.  When first starting off, the entire process was a bit confusing, but with practice it became easier and more fun to incorporate into the curriculum.  With recycling in particular, I have been forced to think about what I would do in my own classroom to get my students to learn in a fun and new way.  I have had the chance to come up with so many projects to incorporate in lessons and it has forced to think about other subjects areas.  
We incorporated project-based in so many aspects during the semester with the different assignments we had to incorporate.  For this website we thought it would be fun to have the "big bang" be a newsletter the students would create and send out to the other students and staff of the school and their families.  It's a great way for the students to show and share what they've learned with people they know.  

The Big Bang of Lisa

Throughout this semester of being emerged into the project-based learning process and experience I have acquired professional and classroom perspective to use as a future teacher.   The process was new and a little confusing at first, not being provided with clear and concise directions made my anxiety increase when completing tasks.  But as the process moved on and I was able to access and use a variety of tools and programs to help enhance my learning process. I got excited about using similar activities with my students some day.  

I would say my goal in using project-based learning is to allow my students to learn in an autonomous manner while enhancing their strengths, overcoming their barriers, and self-evaluating and directing the process.  By allowing students to direct their learning through teacher selected curricula based units, students will be engaged and excited about learning as well as create a foundation of curiosity and communication that will help build characteristic skills that will last a lifetime.  

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ok so i have to make the final concept map and i was wondering if you guys had any ideas on what to add or take from the original two.  This final concept map has to be linked to our website, so we need to make the ideas great :) please let me know asap! thanks!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hey girls i just wanted to see what we wanted to do about this weeks assignment.. Katelyn i know we have discussed getting together but the only way i would be able to would be Sunday. On Saturday my cousin passed away from the house fire that broke out in Ann Arbor. I wont be around until Sunday.. I am sorry that i do not have any other available time.